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Rejuvenation of the Neck With Neck Lift Surgery

Posted April 15, 2019 in Neck Lift Surgery

Signs of aging can begin to appear on the neck due to factors such as genetics, gravity, environmental conditions, personal habits, and stress. Neck lift surgery, or lower rhytidectomy, can address cosmetic concerns on the neck and jawline to provide a slimmer, more youthful appearance. If you identify with any of the following signs of aging, then a neck lift may benefit you:

  • Excess localized fat under the chin
  • Skin laxity and hanging jowls
  • Loose, sagging skin on the neck
  • Muscle banding or creases on the neck
  • Abnormal contouring of the neck

How It Works

After discussing your concerns and cosmetic goals during your consultation with Dr. Grotting, your customized surgical plan will be created. A neck lift can be completed while the patient is under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the techniques being used and the recommendation of Dr. Grotting. The location where incisions are made will be determined by which method is used. Neck lift surgery is often performed in conjunction with a facelift to address issues in the mid to lower face, but can also be done as a standalone procedure.  

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Traditional Neck Lift

The traditional approach to neck lift surgery usually creates incisions in the groove behind the ear and hidden in the hairline. Fat is either repositioned or removed from the neck and jowl area. Any remaining tissue can be sculpted to the desired shape, and the neck muscles are tightened. The skin is pulled back over the uplifted neck contours, excess skin is removed, and the skin is pulled taut. In some cases, another incision is made underneath the chin and liposuction may be used to gently remove excess fat. All of the incisions are then closed using sutures or surgical skin adhesives.

Limited Incision Neck Lift

The limited incision technique makes smaller incisions around the ear or, in some cases, the whole procedure can be done through an incision under the chin. Shorter incisions will result in less visible scarring. This approach is beneficial if only minimal corrections are necessary. Incisions are closed using sutures or surgical skin adhesives.

Expected Results

Minimal bruising and swelling are common during your recovery, and the sutures may require removal after 7 to 10 days. Once your facial area heals, any scarring will likely be concealed by your hair and ears. Your youthful, rested appearance should be restored, and your self-confidence will be improved.

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How to Maintain Your Outcome

After your neck lift surgery, you should have a much-improved neck contour. Some tips to help extend the outcome of your neck lift include:

  • Wear sunscreen daily and cover your skin as much as possible to minimize sun exposure.
  • Consume a healthy diet rich in vitamins. Eating plenty of healthy foods can help nourish your skin and help prevent signs of aging. Controlling your weight is key.
  • Dr. Grotting may recommend non-surgical injectables, laser treatments, or chemical peels to further improve the appearance of your skin and prolong your results.
  • Reduce or quit tobacco usage. Smoking can lead to skin damage and should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Invest in a high-end skin care regimen.

If you are interested in neck lift surgery, contact our office today at 205.930.1600 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation.