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  • Birmingham, Alabama

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions by our patients and consumers.

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Should I lose weight before surgery?

An often-asked question. If the patient is committed to losing more than 20 pounds, certainly dramatic changes in the face and body might occur. In these individuals, we would recommend waiting for the surgery. If, however, one plans to lose 5-10 pounds, the changes would not significantly alter what a surgery in general is designed to accomplish. Furthermore, we prefer patients be well-nourished prior to surgery. Crash diets tend to deplete the body of essential nutrients needed for proper health and are not recommended.

Will I be happier after surgery?

Patients should not expect plastic surgery to solve personal, domestic or professional problems. The decision to have plastic surgery is a personal choice, based upon realistic expectations and mutual trust between the patient and his/her surgeon.

Face Lift

Is it necessary to have a “tuck-up” or any additional procedures?

It is not absolutely necessary to have a “tuck-up” but to maintain the more youthful appearance, additional well-planned surgery can continue to move you back one step on the “conveyor belt” if desired. One could call it a sort of “continuing maintenance program.”

Once I have a facelift, will I need another one?

Many patients believe that once they have a facelift, they must have another, otherwise they will look worse than if they never had the first surgery. This has not been our experience. It’s true that a mini-lift (tuck-up) within a few years can improve additional sagging that might reappear with the normal aging process, but the patient’s excessive skin was removed at the time of the original surgery and that skin never returns. The remaining tissues age by the same natural process that has been occurring since birth.

Will my face look stretched after a facelift?

The unnatural, stretched or “wind blown” look frequently seen in some parts of the United States results from the surgeon stretching the skin tight and pulling it backwards in an undesirable direction. We attempt to avoid this “operated” look by placing the sagging tissues back where they were several years ago. We will demonstrate how our procedures are designed to help safeguard against this justified concern of patients contemplating face lifting and eyelid surgery.

When will I be presentable?

Some degree of swelling follows any surgical procedure. The swelling and tightness are due to the new tissue fluids brought into an area by the body to promote healing. The increased blood supply to the region is responsible for the pink color of the skin and for some of the discoloration associated with surgery. When these healing fluids are no longer required, the tissues release them and they are then absorbed through the bloodstream. You must be willing to accept temporary swelling, tightness and discoloration, which occur following such operations. Every attempt is made to keep the scars narrow and camouflaged in natural facial folds and creases or hidden by the hairlines. During the initial healing period, scars will be pink and somewhat swollen. They usually become less conspicuous with time as they”mature.” Properly applied cosmetics and hair styling after the surgery can help cover the scarring. After surgery, most patients resume their preoperative routine within 1-2 weeks depending on which procedures were performed.