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  • Birmingham, Alabama
Grotting Plastic Surgery


Dr Grotting talks about his feature in a book called “Mastering Beauty”.

Dr. Grotting
Top Gun Cover

Top Gun: New ASAPS president James C. Grotting, MD, takes flight

Published on July 1, 2015

Serving as the president of a major aesthetic society involves quite a bit of travel, which has been known to eat away at many a physician’s private practice as well as their time with family. Birmingham, Alabama plastic surgeon James C. Grotting, MD—the new president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS)—is well-prepared for this with good reason.


Mastering Beauty: A Rare Glimpse Into the Private Lives of Renowned Cosmetic Doctors Who Share Insights and Advice On the Complex Quest For Beauty

Author : Beth Benton Buckley

“Mastering Beauty” features profiles of highly regarded doctors of aesthetic medicine and their unique perspectives. Three of the fifteen contributing doctors have been elected to the office of president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. This book features doctor profiles that present their unique backgrounds and philosophies as well as beautiful portraits that capture them doing what they love most—practicing medicine, spending time with their families, and enjoying their free time. Also highlighted are their opinions and recommendations on topics like how to choose a doctor, the benefits of various procedures, and tips for staying youthful. Readers may particularly enjoy sections dedicated to cautionary tales and outrageous requests. Intended for those with varying levels of knowledge on the topic, “Mastering Beauty” contains a wealth of inspiration for navigating the world of cosmetic medicine.

Mastering Beauty book
Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery by Dr. Grotting book cover

Reoperative Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (2-Volume Set) 1st Edition

Author: James C Grotting MD FACS

In this text, plastic surgeons share insights and new approaches to refining results and correcting problems in patients who have previously undergone plastic surgery. Step-by-step descriptions of different procedures that are appropriate for reoperative surgery are included, as well as sections focusing on special problems and aesthetic considerations.

Reoperative Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, Second Edition

Author: James C Grotting MD FACS

Dr. James Grotting, an acknowledged leader in plastic surgery, has personally written more than a quarter of the 50 chapters for this new edition and has carefully edited the rest. His contributors represent the “who’s who” in plastic surgery worldwide. Benefit from the wisdom of this renowned group of surgeons who share their approaches to aesthetic and reconstructive surgery and the special problems that require reoperation.

Reproductive Aesthetics
Volume 5 - Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery, 3rd EditionVolume 5: Breast Author(s) : Grotting & Neligan

Release Date: 07 Sep 2012

Imprint: Saunders

Fully updated to meet the demands of the 21st-century surgeon, Breast, Volume 5 of Plastic Surgery 3rd Edition, provides you with the most current knowledge and techniques in breast surgery, allowing you to offer every patient the best possible outcome.

Plastic Surgery: Aesthetic Breast Surgery, 1st Edition

Release Date: 26 Sep 2014

Imprint: Elsevier

Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Breast Surgery, edited by Drs. Peter C. Neligan and James C. Grotting , is a one-of-a-kind eBook designed to help you master aesthetic breast techniques for optimum outcomes for your patients.

Plastic Surgery Volume
Breast Disease Book

Diagnosis and Management of Breast Disease 1st Edition

Authors: James C Grotting MD FACS, Richard E Blackwell

This directive, established by The American Board of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, impacts a physician’s preparation for primary certification and recertification. This book will fill that need for the resident and practitioner alike, by providing the information needed to diagnose and manage breast disease. It will cover anatomy, physiology, functional breast disease, mammary dysplasia, benign and malignant tumors, congenital deformities, imaging, diagnostic surgery techniques, medical therapy, surgery, and reconstruction. Controversial issues such as hormone replacement therapy and breast examination will be included.

Flaps: Decision Making in Clinical Practice

Author(s) : L. Franklyn Elliot, James H. Jr. French, James C. Grotting, McKay McKinnon, Michael H. Moses, Richard S. Stahl, Bryant A. Toth, Vincent N. Zubowicz

An excellent readable guide for surgeons utilizing multiple techniques in plastic and reconstructive surgery. The authors have organized a pragmatic guide, specifically focused on those flaps which surgeons find difficult and challenging, with the latest technical developments in all anatomical areas.

Flaps Book


Tattoo removal article

Tattoos may be taboo for U.S. millennials seeking to dress for success


“There is no question that the millennial generation has been more interested in tattoos earlier in life than any generation before them. With those decisions, often come regrets later in life,” says Dr. James Grotting, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. “We fully anticipate a growing interest in removal of tattoos.”


May 17, 2015

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) elects new officials for the 2015/2016 term today at The Aesthetic Meeting in Montreal, PQ, Canada. Birmingham ABPS board-certified plastic surgeon, James C. Grotting, MD, is the new President of the Aesthetic Society – the leading national organization comprised of over 2,600 board-certified plastic surgeons that specialize in aesthetic surgery of the face and body.

PR Newswire
B Metro Article

May 2015

From across the globe to at home in Birmingham, plastic surgeon Dr. James C. Grotting has made his mark in the medical field.

By Lauren Lockhart